Lawn renovation in Yardley PA.  This property owner wanted to remove her Zoysia lawn and have a new cool season lawn installed. We cut out the existing Zoysia turf.  After removing and discarding the Zoysia sod we prepared the soil using a soil conditioner.  The soil conditioner is used to level , pulverize and prepare a seed bed to assure good seed to soil contact. Upon completion of the soil preparation a slit -seeder or slice seeder was used  for the seed turf renovation.  The power seeding process utilizes a piece of machinery called a slice/slit seeder.  Grass seed is stored in a box and dropped in front of vertical blades which slices the soil/seedbed to make ½ inch to ¾ -inch deep grooves in the ground . By creating these slices, the seed is “planted” or “sliced “ into the soil  creating ideal seed to soil contact, where it will germinate best.  When you broadcast grass seed over your lawn — typically called “over seeding” — not all of the seed will stick to the soil and germinate. When you tuck the seed directly down into the soil, you give all of the seeds a better chance at germination.

For the absolute best results Lawn renovations should be done in Mid-August utill the end of September.

Start Day 9/11 –  Slit seed Tall Fescue @ 8 lbs per 1000 s.f

Photos taken 9/20 – 11 Days after planting

Photos taken 9/25 -14 Days after planting

Photos taken 10/7 — almost 1 month after planting

Below Photos taken 10/23 — After first mowing

Lawn Renovation Yardley PA Slice Seeding